Episode 30: Going for a Drive

George returns, again. It’s been a hell of a year and George tells us about some things that he learned, he tells us about how he took down a tornado, and we go for a drive to Target and McDonald’s. George also introduces a new segment to The NotHans Podcast: the fart giggles.

Episode 28: The Giggles

Sometimes you get the cases of the giggles. George is back once again as the co-host of The NotHans Podcast… THE NOTHANS PODCAST. George answers the age-old question: Do you like school or daddy better? He recreates the sound from mama tooting and a snowblower. The microphone tastes sour.

Episode 23: 10th Anniversary

Wow! 10 years of The NotHans Podcast! In this episode, Hans’ mom drops in, we get political, Hans plays a classic standup comedy bit from 1997, and Hans reads some listener email. The episode is sponsored by Ted’s Burgers and Frank Dickens’ Petting Zoo.

New Season of The NotHans Podcast is Coming Soon

I know, I have been slacking, multislacking (sorry Steve, I took it from you).

The good news is that I have written a few more episodes and will release another season of the podcast.

The demand is high. Well, I did get a message from Rusty asking for a new episode. So, I took that as a mandate from the fan(s).

I will be back on the mic in the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience, loyalty, and sarcastic comments.

Danny McBride: The Eastbound & Down Review

Review of Eastbound and Down with Danny McBrideWhile on the road, I caught the opening to a TV show on HBO about a former major league pitcher returning to his home town after getting to the top and sliding down to the bottom. It was late and had to get some sleep before work, but the show sucked me in. When the episode was over, I wanted more. Turns out the show I was watching was called, “Eastbound & Down” featuring Danny R. McBride as the baseball player that we follow during his cooping with living with his brother and teaching PhysEd at his old school. Danny McBride is someone that you might remember from classic parts in Pineapple Express, Hot Rod, Tropic Thunder, and All the Real Girls. In all of those movies he was my favorite part. I was so happy to discover his feature length indie comedy, “Foot Fist Way” — which solidified me as a hardcore fan and made me we want to see him in starring capacity vs. supporting a cast. My wish was answered with “Eastbound & Down”, a 30-minute TV show snuck onto a cable network without any warning. The first season is 6 episodes and really adds up to a movie with a great story, subtle dialogue, suggestive dialogue, steroid use, a titillating love interest, and of course pure comedic timing. The DVD of the first season comes out June 30, 2009 and can’t wait to see the whole thing in one sitting.

Thank you Danny McBride, thank you.